RMYC Trail Challenge

I'm excited to start the RMYC Happy Trails challenge on September 8th. Join me and see how many miles you can hike, run, or bike in the next 12 days in support of tomorrow's leaders and public land conservation.


You can pledge to give $1 or $2 to Rocky Mountain Youth Corps for every mile I run or hike through September 20. If you help me raise $2800 during the challenge I'll SHAVE MY BEARD! I haven't been clean-shaven for more than seven years!

Note: I don’t have a personal campaign page so simply donate on the RMYC website and then let me know how much you gave so I can track my goal.


Support RMYC

  • Join the RMYC Trail Challenge

    Join me in participating in the first annual RMYC Trail Challenge. Proceeds support Rocky Mountain Youth Corps’ mission to engage young people in the outdoors, inspiring them to use their strengths and potential to lead healthy, productive lives.

  • Give to RMYC

    If my friends, family, and followers raise $2,800 ($100 for each year RMYC has operated) during the trail challenge, I’ll shave my beard and go clean-shaven for the first time since April 2014.

If you join the challenge or give to RMYC, Please send me a message to I can track my $2,800 goal.