Getting My Hands Dirty in a Variety of Storytelling Mediums
Graphic Design
The Board of Directors of American Hiking Society revised the organization's mission, values, and vision during a strategic planning process in 2019. This core update provided a great opportunity to develop the first comprehensive brand guide in American Hiking’s 40+ year history. Building upon foundational elements developed by the board, I crafted and designed the brand guide (with input from Kelsey Scheffort, Digital Marketing Coordinator) to help unify the board and staff around a shared brand narrative.
Web Design
I’ve designed several websites using WordPress and Squarespace.

My Story
Within Weakness
Cerebral palsy hinders Wesley Trimble’s strength and coordination on the right side of his body, but it hasn’t thwarted his goal to climb all 54 of Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks. Along the way, he discovered great strength within weakness, though tragedy taught him these adventures could cost him everything. Learn More.
CP and the PCT
139 days saturated with moments of joy and sorrow solidify into one unforgettable experience. Cerebral palsy may have slowed me down, but I persevered. With the support of my friends, family, and fellow hikers I beat the odds and crushed the PCT. This 3-minute short film highlights my journey along this incredible trail.
Short Form Video
Pikes Peak Regional Crew Leader Training
Maya and Bonnie's Volunteer Vacation
2023 Volunteer Vacations Schedule Announcement
Alternative Break
College volunteers share their experiences during a week-long outdoor service Alternative Break trip with American Hiking Society.
Volunteer Vacations
Volunteer Vacations are good for you and Mother Nature. Work hard, get dirty, dig deep...and feel immensely rewarded.
The Volunteer Experience
Volunteers are the backbone of American Hiking Society's efforts to preserve and protect public lands. Hear what makes their experience fulfilling.
For one of our first vacations as a married couple, Laura and I set out to explore the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
PCT 2014 Class Video
More than 80 hikers from the 2014 season submitted nearly 8,000 unique pictures and video clips capturing their experiences on the Pacific Crest Trail. Soak in the experience through the eyes of the class of 2014!
An Adventure Together
A seven-month chronicle of mini adventures leading up to our wedding, I created this short film to share our experiences and love for the outdoors and each other with our friends and family at our wedding reception.
The Videos that Started it All
I’m a little embarrassed when I watch these videos. I cringe at all the imperfections, but both of these videos remind me of the very beginning stages of storytelling and I love these adventures. Some people remove their early works, but I think it’s worth celebrating the process.
From the 16th to the 16th
Get a glimpse of the 486-mile long Colorado Trail. During my 31-day solo journey from Denver to Durango I sought to capture the essence of the trail and the spirit of Colorado. I deliberately left behind all electronics (besides my GoPro) for an immersive experience, yet the song Lonesome Dream by Lord Huron looped through my mind throughout the hike.
2013 Year Edit
At the start of 2013, I set out to document a year's worth of experiences using my GoPro Hero2. For the first time, I took my camera everywhere to capture not only the grand adventures in the mountains but also the natural rhythms of life. While editing my year down to less than two minutes, I realized the best adventures are the ones shared with friends and family.

Outdoor Conservation
Family Life
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